If you start reading books at age 10 and finish reading books at age 100, and if you read one book a month, that’s about 1000 books in a lifetime.
If you read one book a week, that’s about 4000 (which strikes me as very extreme!) books in an entire (fairly long) lifetime.
If you start reading business/professional books at age 20 and finish reading such books at age 60, at one book a month, that’s about 500 professional books. At one a week that’s 2000 such books. By age 30, that’s 120 such books.
How much does the average book cost? If the average book costs £10, then you’re likely to spend about £10,000 on books over your lifetime (reading at one book a month) – less if you borrow from libraries or friends.
How much value is in a book? Some books, read early enough in life, can have untold value (both in terms of literal monetary value AND in spiritual value – far far far in excess of whatever you paid for the book). Others not so much.
It strikes me as kinda sad to read a book in your nineties that you “should” have read in your teens.
How to choose those 1000 books then? And to read them in what order?
Impossible questions.