How old are? How old am I?

How old are you? Are you 38? How old am I? Am I 44?

What if you’ve only lived on average one week of each year [adding up the moments of] being fully present, in the moment, per year for each year of your life so far? Are you then 38 years old or just 38 weeks old?

How long will you live? If you die at 100 but will only ‘live’ a week of each year of your remaining life being truly happy, present and fulfilled then do you really only then have 62 weeks left? Just over one year?

And if you die at 50 then only 12 weeks left?

What if you’ve been living (or could live in the future) for say four weeks of each year of your life fully present whilst everyone else has been—and will—live only one week a year?

Then perhaps you’re not 38, but could already be (relative to others) 152*, and live until 400 !

How much life have you lived**?

How much is left?

How old are you?

How old am I?


*(38 × 4)

**other versions of this entire idea could be not about time spent present, in the moment, but instead about experiences had or knowledge gained. What is age?

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By Brin Wilson

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